Get in the know. Join my monthly newsletter for relatable stories and real-life tactics to help you control alcohol and quit for good using empowerment over shame.
It's not only possible, but easier than you might think.
You are confident, driven and powerful in every area of your life, you're far from an "alcoholic", so why does it seem like alcohol is this nagging thing making you feel miserable now that you can't drink it.
Let me help you get clear on what your goals are for pregnancy and beyond.
Alcohol is this weird thing that is so engrained into our society and we often keep making excuses for with the intention mastering moderation. When alcohol has started taking control, it can be really hard to take a step back without the proper support and knowledge to back up your new decision.
At Rooted Ruby we believe wellness is a choice.
…But sometimes alcohol isn’t. It hijacks our brains and keeps us stuck wanting more long after we are seeing negative side effects from our drinking.
Maybe you can relate to some of these feelings even before you found out you were pregnant:
-> You WANT to cut back
-> You know you “should” …but then just can’t seem to stick to one or two
-> When you do slow down you feel absolutely miserable and like you are missing out!
There is so much new information about the negative health effects of alcohol, with scientific studies debunking previously accepted health benefits, and Canada's "healthy drinking guidelines" of 2 drinks per week (for women - 3 for men), millions of people all over the world want to drink less.
But many are finding it much harder than expected when they try to cut back.
If you want to stop the cycle of drinking too much, trying to moderate, or you just want to FEEL BETTER around alcohol and don’t know where to start,
I will be your trusted coach on this magical journey, and I am telling you it is nothing short of magical.
In 2020, I found myself struggling to go alcohol free when I found out I was pregnant. After 20 years dedicated to hospitality and promoting alcohol, I had developed a very regular drinking habit. I never would have believed how much better my life would get by ditching booze. A 9 month break from alcohol proved to me I wasn't missing anything and that I actually felt so much better without it.
I found freedom from alcohol and it gave me a new sense of clarity, passion and confidence and so here to help people like you experience how much better life can be when we choose to make it small and irrelevant.
I want you feel energized, and excited about life, to live in the new sense of peace and joy I have found, and finally build the purpose driven life you have been dreaming of.
“There is not a day that I don’t feel grateful for the gift of freedom I got when I finally realized alcohol wasn’t serving me."
I founded the wellness company Rooted Ruby to foster self-care and continuous growth in women through embodiment, yoga, quality wellness products, and a deepened connection to the Earth. I understand the power of aligning with our heart's truth and how helping you to connect inwards is key to creating lasting peace, joy, and happiness in a world gone wild.
I am here to contribute to changing the conversation around alcohol.
But I can't do it alone.
Let's step into our greatest version of a truly intentional, thoughtful and mindful experience of this life. It's time to gain the confidence and clarity to stand in your TRUTH, own your POWER and create a better world through your own unique and beautiful purpose. Let me help you find even more strength within to align with your TRUE values so you can move forward fearless and unapologetic. I believe that when we cultivate the tools to show up as our authentic selves, we naturally take radical responsibility for the future of the next 7 generations.
It's just our truth of being a WOMAN.
It is up to us to stand in our power and BE THE CHANGE we want to see. We are the Earth-keepers, we are the life-givers, we are the most powerful creators there are on this planet. It's time to wake up and take our rightful place as sovereign, autonomous warrior women in these unprecedented times.
My personal mission is to help nurture women like you to stand in your beautiful TRUTH, reclaim your power over alcohol, and create the purpose-driven life of your dreams, so together we can change the world.
Welcome to a new, positive and cutting-edge solution that gives you freedom in your relationship with alcohol, without making you feel deprived or miserable. We work together to help you look at your drinking without fear, shame or doubt. Empowering you to reclaim your life, take back your time and energy, and enable you to decide what is right for you – without illogical cravings or irrepressible urges.
Since This Naked Mind can remove the psychological desire for a drink, this allows you to drink less (or stop drinking) without pain, rules or feeling like you are missing out on fun and connection.
Sounds hard to believe, but it is true. This incredible change can open the door to the life you have been waiting for. Unencumbered, and unapologetic.
Here’s the thing…
At Rooted Ruby, we believe in doing things a little differently.
We don’t make rules.
We don’t make excuses.
We believe in mindfulness over fear and use tools like empowerment and awareness to bring a deeper understanding to what is truly aligned to our best interest.
Believe in our personal POWER
We walk a NEW PATH and believe in a new way to change, through radical self-awareness and responsibility.
This science based, compassion driven approach is combined with fun and community.
It has already reached millions of people, providing them the tools they need to reconsider and reinvent their relationship with alcohol.
For years people thought that being free from alcohol was IMPOSSIBLE.
I know that everyone wants to feel GOOD in their own skin, but I also know from personal experience that when we are in the cycle of headaches and hangovers, sometimes we lose track of how we really want to show up in the world.
Life can start to feel monotonous and stressful, so we lean on alcohol not realizing that alcohol is the very thing contributing to our lack of energy, passion and commitment.
I am not saying this journey is easy, but just like summiting an amazing hike in the mountains, let me assure you, it's SO WORTH IT.
And I will be here to support you every step of the way.
My life completely transformed when pregnancy created space in my relationship with alcohol. I was finally able to truly reflect on what I wanted from my life, clear from the repetition of nightly imbibing.
When I realized I had never REALLY asked myself what makes me happy, I knew I had a lot of work to do. I took a journey of self-discovery to not only look into my troubling relationship to alcohol, but also to discover who I could be without my limiting beliefs holding me back.
Imagine never having the desire to drink again. Imagine putting all of your effort and energy instead into building a purpose-driven fulfilled life that you absolutely LOVE.
What kind of empowering life would you want to lead?
If you're ready to go deep, ask revealing questions, engage your inner wisdom, and find more happiness in your quest for a better life, then I GOT YOU SISTER!
Let's do this thing. Together.
Breaking up with booze is just like breaking up with a bad boyfriend. We've all had to do it, and sometimes it takes us longer than we want, but there is no better feeling than when we are finally FREE.
If you want to experience what it would be like having me as your coach, schedule a complementary coaching session with me by clicking the link below.
*This is not a "Discovery Call" to talk about working together.*
It's a genuine coaching session, during which we will take a deep dive on your specific situation, your current relationship to alcohol and how you would like it to feel moving forward. If, and only if, we both feel excited by the idea of working together, we can set up a separate call to go over the logistics of moving forward. If this sounds good to you then go ahead and book your complementary first call with me today. I look forward to helping you find some clarity on next steps from a sister who has been in similar shoes. No sales, and no obligation to move forward.
Let us join you in your journey to success!
$333.00 - $1,000.00
Think quitting drinking or cutting back will be easy? So did I! Until I tried sober October and failed miserably. Here's how I went from daily drinking for over a decade to absolutely free from any desire to drink.
Why quitting drinking is harder than you might have expected, and the 3 steps to effectively creating sustainable change.
Habit formation is a powerful thing, it will override a conscious decision and create a feeling of incongruence when we are trying to change something in our lives. Here is how to overcome cognitive dissonance and create lasting change.
Healing is an integral part of life as a human, nothing to fear or bury. When we can call it in and embrace it you might just realize how GOOD IT CAN FEEL.
If you are curious how yoga fits in with changing your relationship with alcohol, then you are in the right place! Read on to find out the 5 ways the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence actually helps us to reinvent our relationship with alcohol and get back in control of our lives.